Bookseller Catalogs

E-list #19: New Arrivals

By Main Street Fine Books & Manuscripts, Ltd.

E-list #19: New Arrivals Colombian gold, a Bette Davis-signed "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" and a sci-fi master's signed memoir rub shoulders with a Lincoln funeral eulogy, a Klondike Gold Rush classic and a rare signed Warren Buffett how-to in this 35-item new arrivals grab bag.

240: The Sciences

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

240: The Sciences 67 books: FEATURING AUTHORS: Albert the Great [Albertus Magnus] ; Charles Babbage Institute ; Madeleine BARTHELEMY-MADAULE ; Jean-Baptiste BIOT ; George BLISS ; Dirk BROUWER ; David CAHAN ; James W COOLEY ; Maurice P. CROSLAND ; Gerard H. DE VAUCOULEURS ; Simone DUMONT ; Mme DU PIERRY ; John H.EWING ; David FAUSETT ; Juge Honore FLAUGERGUES ; Benjamin FRANKLIN ; William GARNETT ; F.W. GEHRING ; Mark J. GITTINS ; J.L. GREENSTEIN ; Stephen GREENBLATT ; Roger HAHN ; Stephen HALES ; Paul HALMOS ; Peter Michael HARMAN ; Daniel R. HEADRICK ; Friedrich HEBBEL ; Hermann von HELMHOLTZ ; John HENDRY ; Paul W. HENRIKSEN ; Lillian HODDESON ; Frederic Lawrence HOLMES ; Roderick Weir HOME ; E. M. HORSBURGH ; Edwin HUBBLE ; Alexander von HUMBOLDT ; Dunham JACKSON ; T. V. JACOBSON ; Sir James Hopwood JEANS ; Alexander Keith JOHNSTON ; Harold JOHNSTON ; Paul R. JOSEPHSON ; Louis JURINE ; Johannes KEPLER ; Vitaly KISIN ; David M. KNIGHT ; Neal KOBLITZ ; Hermann KOLBE ; Francis J. KOVACH ; Helge KRAGH ; Jerôme LALANDE ; Jean-Baptiste LAMARCK ; Antoine-Laurent de LAVOISIER ; Henry M. LEICESTER ; William LEMPRIERE ; John E. LESCH ; Frank LESTRINGANT ; Trevor H. LEVERE ; Miriam R. LEVIN ; Maria MAGDALENE ; James Clerk MAXWELL ; Roger A. MEADE ; John Ellsworth MERRILL ; Gerald MERTON ; Edward Arthur MILNE ; Sir Isaac NEWTON ; Igor D. NOVKOV ; Observatorio Astronomico de Madrid ; S.C. ROBERTS ; Alan J. ROCKE ; Edward ROSEN ; Robert W. SHAHAN ; Alexander S. SHAROV ; Rene SIGRIST ; Otto STRUVE ; Jöns SVANBERG ; Taiwan Provincial Weather Bureau ; John W. TUKEY ; UNDERHILL, Anne B., FRSC ; Von Albrecht UNSOLD ; A.J.J. Van WOERKOM ; Hermann Carl VOGEL ; Carl von VOIT ; James Dewey WATSON ; David A. WELLS ; Catherine WESTFALL ; Jan von WEYSSENHOFF ; J. C. WILCKE ; Alexander WILCOCKS ; Michael R. WILLIAMS ; Ramon David WOLSTENCROFT ; K. O. WRIGHT

SUBJECTS: Astronomy, Bacteriophage, Biochemistry, Biography, Cartography, Chemistry, Computer history, Cosmology, Cryptography, Electricity, Geology, Hygiene, Information science, Los Alamos, Mathematics, Medical history, Metaphysics, Natural history, Natural Philosophy, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Physiology (experimental), Plant physiology, Russian science, Scientific history, Statistics, Sun spots, Theology

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By Jeff Weber Rare Books

239: NOTABLE & UNUSUAL BOOKS IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE: MIDWIFERY, NEUROLOGY, PEDIATRICS 28 books in the medical sciences: Anatomy, Anesthesia, Chest Diseases, Childbirth, Diphtheria, Domestic Medicine, Fevers, Gynecology, Histology, Medical Bibliography, Medical History, Midwifery, Neurology, Nursing, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Sexology, Tropical Medicine. AUTHORS: Arthur Frederick ABT; American Pharmaceutical Association; Giovanni Battista ASSANDRI; George BAKER; Eugene BOUCHUT; Pierre-Fidèle BRETONNEAU; Robert BURTON; William CADOGAN; Walter CHANNING; Nicholas CULPEPER; Calvin CUTTER; Thomas Herbert DAVEY; D. Zacharie DAVIOT; Paul EHRLICH; Havelock ELLIS; M. EMPIS; Herbert McLean EVANS; Fielding H. GARRISON; Conrad GESSNER; Rickman John GODLEE; Evert GORTER; Paul Louis Benolt GUERSANT; James French HARTIGAN; William HEBERDEN; Pieter Cornelis Tobias van der HOEVEN; Frederick HOLLICK; William Wotherspoon IRELAND; Robert A. JAMES; John Cordy JEAFFRESON; Charles Gilmore KERLEY; Josef KLINGLER; Adolf LAZARUS; William Paterson Hay LIGHTBODY; Jacques MONTAIN-LAMBIN; René Théophile Hyacinthe LAENNEC; Eugen LUDWIG; Sir Edward MELLANBY; Mrs. Teresia Constantia MUILMAN; Sir William OSLER; Claudius QUILLET; Rhivallon; Nicholas ROWE; Society for the Publication of Ancient Welsh Manuscripts; Robert Hunter SEMPLE; Werner SPALTEHOLZ; Armand TROUSSEAU; Andreas VESALIUS

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Spring 2020 List

Spring 2020 List 16th-17th-Century Continental Books

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